Thomas Lang - Creative Coordination & Advanced Foot Technique (Book + CD + DVD)
Creative Coordination is a three-disc set presenting Thomas Langs cutting- edge approach to 21st Century drumming with particular emphasis on foot technique and coordination.
In a step-by-step approach that starts slowly and simply, Thomas lays out a clear and concise method for working up to the kinds of fast, complex and challenging beats that are pushing the boundaries of contemporary Rock, Metal and Fusion music.
Main Chapters, each with a series of comprehensive exercises and examples, include:
- Advanced Foot-Technique Exercises-Thomas demonstrates the use of single- and double-stroke kick drum patterns in contemporary drumming, flam and double-stroke accent patterns and exercises, a series of rudimental workouts for the feet and the unique technique he developed for playing multi-pedal orchestrations (M.P.O.s) and foot ostinatos.
- Contemporary Coordination Matrix-Thomas Lang reveals his "secret formula," a method Thomas has developed for practicing contemporary coordination and independence in the most efficient and time-saving manner. Using Thomas "matrix" Thomas has reached a level of unbelievable independence and coordination. And in this chapter he breaks down the system so that everyone can see how it's done.
- Modern Playing Concepts -Thomas demonstrates how to apply these 21st-Century drumming concepts to real-life playing situations, showing a multitude of examples and applications of hardcore-drumming techniques in contemporary musical styles and in several tour de force drum solos.
Special DVD Features:
Special Features and Bonus Material include a unique audio-commentary track where Thomas breaks down everything he plays. Also included are bonus sections on posture, seat height, balance, stick grip, plus transcriptions, in the form of PDF files, and minus-one mixes. Additional bonus material includes: A visit to Thomas home studio, a live solo performance, a photo gallery, and more.
Over SEVEN HOURS of footage!
Package Includes Book + CD + DVD